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we lcome!


Hi, I'm Sarah, 

 disciple, Bible teacher, and writer. 

Writing was a life I was called into and

one I never would have foreseen for myself

without God's leading and faithfulness.

I can't wait to share with you all the ways
He has guided and provided for me over
the years as I have learned to surrender
more and more to His will. 

God has led me to write, so while I sincerely hope you can relate to many of my stories, I know that not all will resonate while others may strike a chord. Whether these words bring comfort or challenge you, I pray that God opens your heart to hear His truths through them. 

I'm working on a non-fiction book at the moment. God convicted me to take a deeper look at Jesus' words, removing the noise of the healings, miracles, and ignorant questions of the Jewish leaders. The research and writing have already taught me so much more about Christ. I'm excited to find a publisher who wants to work with me to put these truths on paper and share them with the church. 


The other book I hope to complete down the road is a more theology focused. However, I'm working to tackle only one project at a time. More details to come. 


If you would like updates on how these projects are progressing you can sign up with your email address at the bottom of the page

Image by Aaron Burden

My husband and I are also currently pursuing adoption in a unique way, called embryo or snowflake adoption. If you want to learn more about what this will look like or how you can support us along the way, click the button below to be taken to our Adoption Journey page

sign up for updates

I've got a few projects in the works, so if you would like to receive updates along with some fun, free resources, please sign up with your email below. 

Thank you!!

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