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I'm a midwestern girl transplanted in California and loving it. I think I could live off of coffee, tacos al pastor, and fruit + Tajíne for the rest of my life and be perfectly content. I found my better half early in life, which means we've had a lot of time to grow, challenge one another, and pursue God together. God definitely knew what He was doing when He opened our eyes and hearts to one another. 

Surrendering to God's will has been a constant uphill battle for me, but it has also been the most rewarding one I have fought. Through moving from Michigan to California, being called to go back to school and complete my graduate school, or even my hopes of being a mother - God has poured out His wisdom and blessings when I've been able to give my hopes, dreams, and expectations over to Him. 

My story is not unique, and some days it feels like there are more hard chapters than perfectly content ones, but I am excited to share how God has opened doors and taught me along the way.
I hope that my words challenge you to ask hard questions of yourself and God so that you too can learn what it is to fully lean into His leading for your life, because I promise that there is nothing sweeter.




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I've got a few projects in the works, so if you would like to receive updates along with some fun, free resources, please sign up with your email below. 

Thank you!!

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